
Stop by these
Los Angeles
stations for 76® E85.

Download the Fuel Forward® App and save 20¢* per gallon on your first fill-up.
The Fuel Forward® App is safe and secure. And for a limited time, you can save 20¢* per gallon on your first fill-up when you download the Fuel Forward® App. Then continue saving 5¢* per gallon on every fill-up when you buy fuel with the Fuel Forward® App. Download today, setup your mobile wallet and spend less to get where you’re going. Offer ends 12/31/23.
*20¢ per gallon is a combined savings of 5¢ everyday off per gallon plus an extra 15¢ off per gallon for first time users (up to 30 gallons). Offer valid once for a new Fuel Forward® App user through 12/31/2023. Participating locations only. Can be combined with other offers. 5¢ everyday savings offer can only be applied once per transaction.
Frequently Asked Questions
76® E85, also called flex fuel, is a blend of ethanol and gasoline designed for use only in flex-fuel vehicles. Ethanol is made from renewable resources, generally derived from crops like corn and sugar cane. For any flex-fuel vehicle, this product can be considered a “drop in” fuel (no engine modifications necessary).
76® E85 fuel provides a reduction in some tailpipe emissions*. For some flex-fuel vehicles, users may notice improvement in engine performance and power compared to gasoline.
*Compared to gasoline: https://afdc.energy.gov/vehicles/flexible_fuel_emissions.html
Check your gas cap, fuel door, or owner’s manual. Many flex-fuel vehicles have a distinct yellow gas cap, a sticker inside the fuel door, or a badge on the exterior that says FFV or Flex Fuel. 76® E85 is only intended for use in vehicles identified by the manufacturer as a flex-fuel vehicle.
You can also learn more here: https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/flextech.shtml
76® E85 has a higher-octane rating than premium gasoline. Higher octane allows for better engine performance and a smoother running engine.
Ethanol accounts for at least 80% of the final product.